Friday, September 11, 2020

33. One Negative Thought Destroyed Relationship.

 सच्च कहाँ है किसी कि "कभी-कभी जो हम देखते है वैसा होता नहीं और जैसा हम सोचते है वैसा होता  नहीं।"

कल एक बंदा अपनी ex-girlfriend को रस्ते में देख उससे मिलने के लिए उसके पिछे पिछे चल रहा था। उसने अपनी ex-girlfriend को पिछे से काफी आवाज़ लगाई पर वो नहीं  सुन्नी। उस बन्दे को ये लगने लगा कि आज भी उसकी ex-girlfriend उसे ignore कर रही है। मन में अजीब से बेचैनी होने लगी जिस वजह से  वो अपनी ex-girlfriend के सामने जाना भी जरुरी  नहीं समझा। उसे काफी बुरा लगा और उदास मन के साथ  मुड़कर अपने रस्ते चला गया। 

इस एक छोटे से किस्से की वजह से पुरे दिन उसे गुस्सा आ रहा था। अपनी ex-girlfriend के बारे में बहुत बुरा-भला बोला, सोचा पर असली सच्च को जान ना पाया। सच्च तो ये था कि उसकी ex-girlfriend ने उसकी आवाज़  सुन्नी ही नहीं थी क्यूंकि उसने Ear-Plugs अपनी कानो में लगा के रखे थे और बालो से धके रहने के  कारण  Ear-Plugs उस बन्दे को दिखे ही नहीं। 

दोनों अनजान थे एक-दूसरे से और रिस्तो में फिर खटास और बढ़ गई। उस लड़के को ये नहीं पता था कि उसकी ex-girlfriend ने उसकी आवाज़ ही नहीं सुन्नी थी और पुरे दिन परेशान रहा और उसकी ex-girlfriend को ये बात पता भी नहीं थी  कि उसका Ex-boyfriend उसे आवाज़ दे रहा था । 

उन दोनों के रिश्ते सुधरते पर गलत फमी कि  वजह से और बिगड़ गए। 



It is the truth that "Sometimes what we see is not what it is and it is not what we think."

Yesterday, a boy was following her ex-girlfriend to meet her on the way. He called his ex-girlfriend a loud voice from behind, but she did not listen. The boy began to feel that even today his ex-girlfriend is ignoring him. There was strange discomfort in the mind due to which he did not think it necessary to go in front of his ex-girlfriend. He felt very bad and turned to his path with a sad heart.

Due to this one small anecdote, he was getting angry all day. He was very angry over his ex-girlfriend, but could not know the real truth. The truth was that his ex-girlfriend did not hear his voice because she had placed ear-plugs in her ears and the ear-plugs could not be seen because those were covered by her hairs.

The two were unaware of each other and Relationships then grew sour. The boy did not know that his ex-girlfriend had not heard his voice and was upset the whole day and his ex-girlfriend did not even know that her ex-boyfriend was giving him a voice.

Their relationship deteriorated further due to misunderstanding.

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